What To Wear
Many unforseen things can come up during the adventure of chasing balloons. Therefore, it is important to know what to wear, so you'll be protected and comfortable. The following guidelines will help prepare you for what to wear:
Always remember that being comfortable is key to having fun chasing balloons.
- Layers of clothing work best, especially for chilly mornings.
- Good gloves, preferably leather or with leather palms.
- Long pants are typically best.
- Closed-toed shoes to pretect your feet.
- A hat may be helpful, as the radiant heat from the burners can be toasty.
- Nylon or synthetic materials; they can catch fire and/or melt to your skin.
- Drawstrings, scarves or other long clothing or accessories including jewelry that can get snagged on the balloon.
- Sandals, flip-flops or high-heeled shoes.
Always remember that being comfortable is key to having fun chasing balloons.